Association of Agrometeorologists

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 Welcome to Association of Agrometeorologists

Since its inception in 1999, the Association of Agrometeorologists (AAM) has been expanding in all the directions with its life members exceeding 1902. Association has been able to reach not only to meteorological and agrometeorological communities but also amongst a wide spectrum of scientists across the globe of allied fields such as agronomy, soil science, horticulture, entomology, plant pathology, agricultural engineering, plant physiology, ecology, agricultural statistics, environmental sciences, plant breeding, animal sciences etc. 

Association operates its activities from its HQ office at Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Anand Agricultural University Anand, Gujarat, India with its 17 sub branch offices called chapters functioning at Hisar, Ludhiana, Pune, Hyderabad, Mohanpur, Pantnagar, Coimbatore, New Delhi, Jammu, Faizabad, Raipur, Thrissur,  Parbhani, Bihar, Bhopal, Meerut and Kashmir spread across the country.. The Association has been organizing the national and international seminars on different themes of current interest and publishes Journal of Agrometeorology  [ISSN 0972-1665 (print); 2583-2980 (online)] regularly since 1999, which is being indexed in most of the scientific indexing services.

To encourage education and research in the field related to agrometeorology, Association has instituted various awards viz. Best Ph. D. Thesis; Best M. Sc. Thesis, Young Scientist, Best Paper, Best Senior Scientist, Senior Scientist, Innovative Scientist and Best paper published in JAM. Association confers Fellowships and Honorary Fellowships upon renowned scientists for their life time achievements and contribution in the field of Agricultural Meteorology and allied sciences, in addition to felicitating the retired agrometeorologists regularly. Association also plans to conduct outreach activiities for farmers and public.

Executive Council

Executive Council for year 2023 - 2025

Executive Members

Dr. Kamalesh K. Singh
New Delhi
Dr. N. Subash
(Vice President)
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
Dr. Sandeep Singh Sandhu
(Vice President)
Ludhiana, Punjab
Dr. S. B. Yadav
Anand, Gujarat
Dr. K. K. Dakhore
(Joint Secretary)
Parbhani, Maharashtra
Dr. B. I. Karande
Anand, Gujarat
Dr. Ajith Kumar B.
Thrissur, Kerala
Dr. Pragyan Kumari
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Dr. Anil Kumar
Hisar, Haryana
Dr. H. S. Shivaramu
Bangalore, Karnataka
Dr. Gautam Saha
Mohanpur, West Bengal
Dr. Vyas Pandey
(Immediate past President)

Executive Council for year 2023 - 2025

Zonal Representatives and Co-opted Members

Dr. Prasanta Neog
(Eastern Zone)
Sonitpur, Assam
Dr. H. M. Meena
(Western Zone)
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Dr. S. R. Mishra
(Central Zone)
Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh
Dr. Nisha Mendiratta
(Northern Zone)
New Delhi
Dr. S. Panneerselvam
(Southern Zone)
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Dr. R. H. Kanth
(Co Opted Member)
Dr. Jagvir Singh
(Co Opted Member)
MoES, New Delhi

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