Association of Agrometeorologists

List of Recipients of “Dr. P D Mistry Award for Best Ph. D Thesis in Agricultural Meteorology”

YearName of ReceipientThesis Title
2024Ms. Alka RaniAgricultural Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Using Meteorological and Remote Sensing Datasets for India.
2023Ram Narayan SinghAssessment of wheat stripe rust and chickpea wilt through thermal and optical remote sensing
2022Dr Sarath Chandran M. A.Identification of sustainable cropping sequences under projected climate of New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal using crop simulation modelling
2021Rajkumar DhakarRegional wheat yield prediction using remote sensing inputs with dynamic crop-weather models
2020R. GowthamClimate change and sugarcane productivity over selected cane growing regions of southern India: Potential impacts and adaptation strategies
2018Dr Baban Ishwar Karande“Yield simulation modeling and evaluation of climate change impact on summer Mungbean (Vigna radiate L.) using CROPGRO model (DSSAT 4.6) under different irrigation regimes and row spacing” submitted to AAU, Anand
2017Dr Ankita Jha“Development of a web-based disease monitoring system for wheat crop” submitted to GBPUAT, Pantanagar
2016Dr Abdus Sattar“Agroclimatic characterization for assessment of crop potential under rainfed condition in Bihar” submitted to BCKV, Mohanpur
2014Dr Sudhir Kumar Mishra“Simulation modeling of wheat yield using WOFOST model under middle Gujarat Agro climatic region” Submitted to AAU, Anand, Gujarat
2012Dr Barnali Saikia“Study of radiation and thermal environment and estimation of evapotranspiration in Yellow Sarson”. submitted to BCKV, Mohanpur, West Bengal
2011 Dr R. K. Pal“Effects of climate change on productivity of wheat and possible mitigation strategies using CERES-wheat model in foot hill of Western Himalaya” submitted to GBPUAT, Pantanagar
2009Dr Asis Mukherjee“Impact of mulches on productivity and evapo-transpiration pattern of tomato under varying soil moisture regimes” submitted to BCKV, Mohanpur
2008Dr Kailash K. Dakhore“Energy budget and wheat yield prediction over semi-arid agro-ecosystem using satellite data” submitted to AAU, Anand
2006Dr Gopal Kumar“Effect of Modified microenvironment on crop growth and white rust in BRASSICA” submitted to IARI, New Delhi
2005Dr Prabhjyot Kaur“Synthesis and Validation of Brassica Crop Growth Simulation Model under variable water environment” submitted to PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab
2005Dr H. R. Patel“Simulation modeling of wheat yield using CERES wheat model in varied environmental and moisture regimes of middle Gujarat agroclimatic region” submitted to AAU, Anand
2004Dr Baby Akula“Estimating Wheat Yield using WTGROWS and InfoCrop Models” submitted to AAU, Anand