2024 | Ms. Alka Rani | Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Using Meteorological and Remote Sensing Datasets for India. |
2023 | Ram Narayan Singh | Assessment of wheat stripe rust and chickpea wilt through thermal and optical remote sensing |
2022 | Dr Sarath Chandran M. A. | Identification of sustainable cropping sequences under projected climate of New Alluvial Zone of
West Bengal using crop simulation modelling |
2021 | Rajkumar Dhakar | Regional wheat yield prediction using remote sensing inputs with dynamic crop-weather models |
2020 | R. Gowtham | Climate change and sugarcane productivity over selected cane growing regions of southern India:
Potential impacts and adaptation strategies |
2018 | Dr Baban Ishwar Karande | “Yield simulation modeling and evaluation of climate change impact on summer Mungbean (Vigna radiate L.) using CROPGRO model (DSSAT 4.6) under different irrigation regimes and row spacing†submitted to AAU, Anand |
2017 | Dr Ankita Jha | “Development of a web-based disease monitoring system for wheat crop†submitted to GBPUAT, Pantanagar |
2016 | Dr Abdus Sattar | “Agroclimatic characterization for assessment of crop potential under rainfed condition in Bihar†submitted to BCKV, Mohanpur |
2014 | Dr Sudhir Kumar Mishra | “Simulation modeling of wheat yield using WOFOST model under middle Gujarat Agro climatic region†Submitted to AAU, Anand, Gujarat |
2012 | Dr Barnali Saikia | “Study of radiation and thermal environment and estimation of evapotranspiration in Yellow Sarsonâ€. submitted to BCKV, Mohanpur, West Bengal |
2011 | Dr R. K. Pal | “Effects of climate change on productivity of wheat and possible mitigation strategies using CERES-wheat model in foot hill of Western Himalaya†submitted to GBPUAT, Pantanagar |
2009 | Dr Asis Mukherjee | “Impact of mulches on productivity and evapo-transpiration pattern of tomato under varying soil moisture regimes†submitted to BCKV, Mohanpur |
2008 | Dr Kailash K. Dakhore | “Energy budget and wheat yield prediction over semi-arid agro-ecosystem using satellite data†submitted to AAU, Anand |
2006 | Dr Gopal Kumar | “Effect of Modified microenvironment on crop growth and white rust in BRASSICA†submitted to IARI, New Delhi |
2005 | Dr Prabhjyot Kaur | “Synthesis and Validation of Brassica Crop Growth Simulation Model under variable water environment†submitted to PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab
2005 | Dr H. R. Patel | “Simulation modeling of wheat yield using CERES wheat model in varied environmental and moisture regimes of middle Gujarat agroclimatic region†submitted to AAU, Anand |
2004 | Dr Baby Akula | “Estimating Wheat Yield using WTGROWS and InfoCrop Models†submitted to AAU, Anand |