Year | Authors name | Title of papers, journal name |
2024 | Garima, S. S. Sandhu, M S Bons, Amarjeet Kaur, Prabhjyot Kaur, Simerjeet Kaur, K K Gill and S S Walia | Coupling the interactive effects of solar radiation, temperature and nitrogen on performance of transplanted rice Journal of Agricultural Science |
2023 | Prasanta Neog, R. K. Goswami, D. Saikia, N. Gogoi and M. K. Kalita | Response of modified microclimates on growth, yield, and incidence of rhizome rot disease of ginger in Assam, India International Journal of Biometeorology |
2022 | Abdus Sattar and R. C. Srivastava | Modelling climate smart rice-wheat production system in the middle Gangetic plains of India Theoretical and Applied Climatology |
2021 | Tejaswini C. Rangaswamy, Shankarappa Sridhara, Nandini Ramesh, Pradeep Gopakkali, Diaa O. El-Ansary, Eman A. Mahmoud, Shaimaa A. M. Abdelmohsen, Ashraf M. M. Abdelbacki, Hosam O. Elansary and Amal M. | Assessing the Impact of Higher Levels of CO2 and Temperature and Their Interactions on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Plants (2021) 10:256, DOI- |
2015 | Poly Saha and Srikantha Das | Influence of weather parameter and different host plant nutrition sources on development of early blight of Totato predicted using Logistic and Gompertz model. J. Mycol Plant Pathol, Vol 44, No.2. |
2013 | Sevak Das, Vyas Pandey, H.R. Patel and K. I. Patel | Effect of weather parameters on pest-disease of okra during summer season in middle Gujarat Journal of Agrometeorology 13 (1): 38-42 (June 2011) |
Year | Authors name | Title of papers, journal name |
2024 | Jitendra Rajput, Man Singh, Khajanchi Lal, Manoj Khanna, Arjamadutta Sarangi, Joydeep Mukherjee and Shrawan Singh | Selection of alternate reference evapotranspiration models based on multi?criteria decision ranking for semiarid climate Environment, Development and Sustainability |
2023 | Nishigandha Kakati, Rajib Lochan Deka, Parishmita Das, Jogesh Goswami, Punya Gogoi Khanikar and Hemanta Saikia | Forecasting yield of rapeseed and mustard using multiple linear regression and ANN techniques in the Brahmaputra valley of Assam, North East India Theoretical and Applied Climatology |
2022 | P. Vijaya Kumar, Santanu Kumar Bal, Rajkumar Dhakar, M. A. Sarath Chandran, A. V. M. Subba Rao, V. M. Sandeep, V. P. Pramod, S. N. Malleswari, G. Sudhakar, N. S. Solanki, H. S. Shivaramu, M. M. Lunaga | Algorithms for weather-based management decisions in major rainfed crops of India: Validation using data from multi-location field experiments Agronomy Journal |
2021 | Suman Samanta, Saon Banerjee, Asis Mukherjee, Pulak K. Patra and Pramiti K. Chakraborty | Determining the radiation use efficiency of potato using sunshine hour data: A simple and costless approach Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, (2020) 18(2):e0801, DOI- |
2018 | P. Raja, Nilendu Singh, C. V. Srinivas, Mohit Singhal, Pankaj Chauhan, Maharaj Singh and N. K. Sinha | Analyzing energy–water exchange dynamics in the Thar desert. Climate Dynamics, (2018) 50: 3281-3300, DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3804-9 |
Year | Authors name | Title of papers, journal name |
2018 | P.A. ABDUL NIYAS, V. SEJIAN1, M. BAGATH, S. PARTHIPAN, SELLAPPAN SELVARAJU, G. B. MANJUNATHAREDDY, E.K. KURIEN, GIRISH VARMA And R. BHATTA | Effect of heat and nutritional stress on growth and testicular HSP70 expression in goats Journal of Agrometeorology (2017), Vol. 19(3): 189-194. |
2018 | CHITRA SHUKLA, S. R. BHAKAR and S.S. LAKHAWAT | Development of the crop coefficient for capsicum (Capsicum annum L.) under protected structures Journal of Agrometeorology (2016), Vol. 18(2): 258-260 |
2018 | S.K. JALOTA and B.B. VASHISHT | 3. Adapting cropping systems to future climate change scenario in three agro-climatic zones of Punjab, India Journal of Agrometeorology (2016), Vol. 18(1): 48-56. |
2016 | Shraddha Rawat A.S. Nain Sumana Roy | Biometeorological aspects of conception rates in cattle. Journal of Agrometeorology (2014), Vol. 16(1): 116-120. |
2016 | A. Abdul Haris V. Chhabra B.P. Bhatt A. K. Sikka | Yield and duration of potato crop in Bihar under projected climate scenario. Journal of Agrometeorology (2015), Vol. 17(1): 67-73 |
2013 | D.R. Murumkar, D. V. Indi, M. A. Gud, S. K. Shinde, J.D. Jadhav, V.R. Bavdekar and J.R. Kadam | Weather based forewarning model for Alternaria leaf spot of safflower in scarcity zone of Maharashtra. Journal of Agrometeorology (2013), Vol. 15(1): 66-70 |
2013 | B. Bapuji Rao, V.M. Sandeep, P. Shantibhushan Chowdary, V.P. Pramod and V.U.M. Rao | Reference evapotranspiration over India: a comparison of estimates from open pan with Penman-Monteith method. Journal of Agrometeorology (2013), Vol. 15(2): 108-114 |
2013 | G. Pranuthi, Sunil Kumar Dubey and S.K. Tripathi | Comparison of different models for estimation of net primary productivity in India. Journal of Agrometeorology (2012), Vol. 14(2): 105-110 |
2011 | A.V.M.S. Rao, T. Satyanarana, G. G. S. N. Rao, V. U. M. Rao, D.V.Bhaskara Rao, N. Manikandan, P. S.B. Chowdary, V. Ravikumar and Y.S. Ramakrishna | Utilization of high resolution short range weather forecast for agro-advisory services. Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol. 12(2): 229-233 |
2011 | K K Singh, R K Mall, R S Singh and A K Srivastava | Evaluation of CANEGRO Sugarcane model in East Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol. 12(2): 181-186 |
2011 | Joydeep Mukherjee, Lakhwinder Singh, Gurjot Singh, S. K. Bal, Harpreet Singh and Prabhjyot Kaur | Comparative evaluation of WOFOST and ORYZA 2000 models in simulating growth and development of rice in Punjab. Journal of Agrometeorology Vol. 13(2): 86-91 |
2009 | M. Shamim, A M Shekh, V J patel, J F Dodia, D M Korat and A M Mehta | Effect of weather parameters on population dynamics of green leaf hopper and white backed plant hopper in paddy grown in middle Gujarat region. Journal of Agrometeorology Vol 11(2), Dec. 2009 |
2009 | Surendra Singh Diwan Singh and VUM Rao | Seedling establishment of chickpea cultivars in varying sowing environments under field conditions. Journal of Agrometeorology Vol. 11(2): Dec. 2009 |
2009 | A. Mukherjee, S Banerjee and S Sarkar | Productivity and radiation use efficiency of tea grown under different shade trees in the plain land of West Bengal. Journal of Agrometeorology Vol. 10(2), Dec. 2008 |
2007 | Gouranga Kar and M. Martha | Climate risk sensitivity livelihood matrix in Bay of Bengal coast of India. Journal of Agrometeorology,Vol.8 (1), 2006 |