Association of Agrometeorologists


The criteria and marking system for various awards are currently under revision. A ten-member committee is revising the criteria and marking system for all nine AAM awards. The revised proforma will be uploaded soon.


Association has instituted various awards to encourage education and research in Agricultural Meteorology. Applications are invited every year. Now Online application submission system is provided The application forms can be submitted ONLINE as well as through email.  However, a print copy of the application duly recommended/endorsed by the Major guide/Head of division/Institute etc, as the case may be, must be submitted to the Secretary.  The last date of receiving all such applications is 30th September 2023.  Applications received after the last date are liable for rejection.

1. “Dr. P.D. Mistry Award for Best Ph. D Thesis in Agricultural Meteorology”           Download general guidelines and application form

“Dr. P.D Mistry Award for the Best Ph. D Thesis in Agricultural Meteorology” is presented annually to deserving candidates for their Ph.D. thesis awarded in the subject of   Agricultural Meteorology/Agricultural Physics (Meteorology) only. The Ph. D degree notification/approval by the university/ institute during the academic calendar year (from 1st July of the previous year to 30th June of the current year) is taken into consideration for the current year’s award.

The interested candidate may apply ONLINE in the prescribed format. The thesis may be sent by email to the secretary. However, a print copy of the application along with a copy of the thesis must be submitted to the Secretary so that it may reach before the due dates.

The general guidelines and application form for Ph.D. thesis awards are attached herewith for ready reference.

 2. “Prof. P.S.N. Sastry Award for Best M.Sc. Thesis in Agricultural Meteorology”            Download general guidelines and application form

“Prof. P.S.N. Sastry Award for Best M.Sc. Thesis in Agricultural Meteorology” is presented annually and is restricted to Indian students submitting their M.Sc. thesis in Agricultural Meteorology and its allied discipline in any recognized institute in India. The M.Sc. degree notification/approval by the university/ institute during the academic calendar year (from 1st July of the previous year to 30th June of the current year) is taken into consideration for the current year’s award.

The interested candidate may apply ONLINE in the prescribed format. The thesis may be sent by email to the secretary. However, a print copy of the application along with a copy of the thesis must be submitted to the Secretary so that it may reach before the due dates.

The general guidelines and application form for the MSc thesis award are attached herewith for ready reference.

3. Nomination for the FELLOWS of Association of Agrometeorologists (FAAM)           Download the application form and evaluation criteria

Association confers Fellowships to deserving scientists for their significant contribution to the field of Agricultural Meteorology. The nominations are invited every year from the Life Members of the Association having at least Ten years of membership of the Association. Interested members must submit their application ONLINE in the prescribed format and upload the necessary documents. However, a print copy of the application along with the document must be submitted to Secretary through the proper channel so that it may reach before the due date. The Executive Committee may decide/recommend the nature of the award to be given.

The application form and evaluation criteria for Fellow are attached herewith for ready reference.

4. Dr. S. Venkataraman Young Scientist Award           Download the application form and evaluation criteria

“Dr. S. Venkataraman Young Scientist Award” is instituted to encourage/ motivate young Indians for high-quality fundamental and applied research and education in the field of Agricultural Meteorology. The Life members of the Association of age not completing 40 years as of 31st December of the year are eligible to apply for the award.

Interested members may submit their application ONLINE in the prescribed format and upload the necessary documents. However, a print copy of the application along with the document must be submitted to Secretary through the proper channel so that it may reach before the due date.

The application form and evaluation criteria for Young Scientist are attached herewith for ready reference.

5. Dr. S. Venkataraman Best Paper Award on Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management                 Download the application form 

“Dr. S. Venkataraman Best Paper Award” is instituted to encourage/ motivate high-quality research in the field of Agricultural Meteorology. A paper published by an Indian in any Indian Journal that contributes to the “Mitigation of Abiotic and Biotic Stresses on Crop Production” in India is considered for this award. The paper published during last year (January to December) on the above theme is considered for the award in the current year.

Scientists interested to apply for consideration of award should submit their application in the prescribed form signed by all authors along with a copy of their publication. The applicant should be a Life member of the Association.

The application form for Venkataraman best paper is attached herewith for ready reference.

6. Prof B V Ramana Rao Best Paper Award             Download application form  

“Prof B V Ramana Rao Best Paper Award” is instituted to encourage/ motivate high-quality research in the field of Agricultural Meteorology. A paper published in any scientific journal (national or international) by Indian authors working in a National academic/research system in the field of Agricultural Meteorology will be considered for this award. The paper published last year (January to December) on fundamental and applied research in agricultural meteorology are considered for the award in the current year.

Scientists interested to apply for consideration of award should submit their application in the prescribed form signed by all authors along with a copy of their publication. The applicant should be a Life member of the Association.

The application form for Ramanarao best paper is attached herewith for ready reference.

7. Dr P Balakrishna Pillai Best Senior Scientist award in the field of Agrometeorology             Download application form  

“Dr P Balakrishna Pillai Best Senior Scientist award” is established to encourage and motivate the Best Senior Scientist in conducting for high-quality fundamental and applied research and education in the field of Agrometeorology. Applicant must be a life member of the Association of Agrometeorologist for at least 10 years. Life members of the Association who have not yet reached the age of 40 as of December 31st of the current year are eligible to apply for the award. 

Senior Scientists interested in applying for consideration of award should submit their application using prescribed form, signed by authors along with a copy of their publication. 

The application form for the Dr P Balakrishna Pillai Best Senior Scientist award is attached herewith for your reference.

8. Dr Y. S. Ramakrishna Innovative Scientist Award              Download application form  

“Dr Y. S. Ramakrishna Innovative Scientist Award” is established to encourage and motivate the Innovative Senior Scientist in conducting for high-quality fundamental and applied research and education in the field of Agrometeorology. 

Innovative Scientists interested in applying for consideration of award should submit their application using prescribed form, signed by authors along with a copy of their publication. 

The application form for the Dr Y. S. Ramakrishna Innovative Scientist Award is attached herewith for your reference.

9. Dr Vyas Pandey Awards for best paper published in the Journal of Agrometeorology by Indian Scientists         Download application form  

"Dr. Vyas Pandey Awards for Best Paper Published in the Journal of Agrometeorology by Indian Scientists" have been established to encourage and motivate high-quality fundamental and applied research papers in the field of Agrometeorology. Papers published in the Journal of Agrometeorology by Indian Scientists employed within the National academic/research system in the field of Agricultural Meteorology will be eligible for consideration for this prestigious award. Papers published within the previous year (January to December) on both fundamental and applied research in agricultural meteorology will be considered for the award in the current year.

Scientists interested in applying for consideration for the award should submit their application in the prescribed form, signed by all authors, along with a copy of their publication. Additionally, applicants must be Life members of the Association.

The application form for the Dr Vyas Pandey Awards for best paper published in the Journal of Agrometeorology by Indian Scientists is attached herewith for your reference.


For further details, please contact at the following address.

The Secretary 
Association of Agrometeorologists
Department of Agricultural Meteorology
Anand Agricultural University
Anand 388 110, Gujarat, India
