Early blight of tomato caused by Alternaria solani is an economically important disease in all the tomato growing areas worldwide. The effect of weather variables on the per cent disease intensity(PDI) index of early blight were analyzed during the early summer season of five consecutive years from 2013 to 2017. The disease invariably appeared in the 12thStandard Meteorological Week (SMW) and had steep progression throughout the cropping period. Maximum and minimum temperatures had significantly positive correlation, whereas, maximum and minimum relative humidity along with rainfall had significantly negative correlation with the PDI of early blight of tomato. The model developed by stepwise regression explained that 83per cent variation in the PDI of the disease was due to maximum temperature. The model developed based on the data collected during the studies can be used for predicting the appearance of early blight of tomato, thereby helping in the adoption of timely management measures.