The results of this study revealed that the pan evaporation and sensor based irrigation scheduling along with fertigation scheduling significantly affected the plant height, fruit weight, fruit length, crop water requirement, crop yield and water use efficiency of okra crop. The pan evaporation and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) values significantly vary over different stages of okra crop. The maximum and minimum average daily pan evaporation was recorded 8.4 mm day-1 and 4.5 mm day-1 at mid stage and late stage of okra crop respectively while, the maximum average daily ETc was recorded 7 mm day-1 at mid stage of okra crop. A approach of irrigation scheduling with 100 per cent field capacity, based on soil moisture sensor under automated drip irrigation system along with 100 per cent RDF through fertigation in equal splits at 4 day intervalor 80% per cent of volume of crop water requirement based on pan evaporation under automated drip irrigation along with 100 per cent RDF through fertigation in equal splits at 2 day interval, can be used for irrigating okra crop with significant water saving, crop yield and water use efficiency under limited availability of daily weather datain climatic condition of Udaipur
district of Rajasthan.
Pan evaporation, crop coefficient, irrigation scheduling, water use efficiency