A field experiment was carried out at Central Sugarcane Research Station Padegaon, during 2011-12 to 2013-14 to assess the crop weather relationship in preseasonal sugarcane (var. CoM 0265). Treatments were comprised of nine planting dates at 15 days interval starting from 15th October to 15th February. The results indicated that the early planting produced highest cane and CCS (commercial cane sugar) yield. Significantly the highest brix (21.3), sucrose (20.4%), purity (96.8%) and CCS (14.6%) were observed under early planting of sugarcane on 15th October, which was at par with the treatment 01st November, 15th November, 1st December planting. At harvest cane and CCS yield of sugarcane was positively correlated with maximum temperature, wind velocity and pan evaporation. Significantly positive correlation of millable cane, weight per cane was observed with cane and CCS yield.