1.1 Membership shall cease:
(a) on resignation from membership of the Association.
(b) automatically on default of payment of the prescribed subscription. Council may relax the provision of this rule in special circumstances.
(c) by a special resolution of the General Body on any breach of the Statutes or Regulations of the Association, or for any conduct prejudicial to the objectives of the Association.
(d) on conviction by court of law
(e) on death
1.2 A person whose membership has lapsed under (a), (b) and (c) of 1.1 above, may be readmitted as a new member at the discretion of the Council:
(a) on an application for membership.
(b) on payment of entrance fee.
(c) on making satisfactory amends as regards the infringement of rules.
1.3 A member may at any time file a resignation to the Secretary and it shall be effective from the date of filing.
2.1 Election to Council
2.1.1 Voting for the election will be by online
2.1.2 Following schedule is suggested for Elections to the Council through Secret Ballot:
2.1.3 The Secretaries of all the Chapters should update the electoral rolls as on 31st December of the year preceding the Election year and the updated list of the members should be sent to the Secretary of the Council by 10th January at the latest. All members who have not cleared their dues by 31st December and who are enrolled after 31st December of the year preceding the Election year will not be eligible to vote.
2.1.4 A member shall be eligible to contest for one post only.
2.1.5 Minimum two members should nominate a person.
2.1.6 Candidates contesting for the election should submit Bio-data not exceeding 200 words at the time of their nomination for keeping in website.
2.1.7 Web/internet based voting (e-balloting) method will be used by the Returning Officer after ascertaining all web-security issues and confidentiality.
2.2 Election to Chapter Management Committee
2.2.1 Chapters shall hold elections on lines similar to the Council but by calling a Chapter General Body meeting and the procedure described in articles 2.1.2 to 2.1.4.
2.2.2 Chairman of the Chapter will nominate a Returning Officer a month in advance of the elections. Returning Officer will devise the procedure and schedule for election in consultation with Chapter Chairman.
2.2.3 Articles 2.1.4 to 2.1.6 are applicable to elections for Chapters.
2.2.4 The elections to Chapter Management Committee shall be completed by end of February of the election year, a date fixed for executive council results.
3.1 General Body meetings of the Association shall be of three kinds: (a) Ordinary, (b) Extra Ordinary (c) Annual.
​​​​​​​3.2 Ordinary and Extra Ordinary General Meeting
3.2.1 The Association shall hold general body meetings and scientific meetings at an appropriate time and place as determined by the Council.
3.2.2 All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the normal parliamentary procedure and a permanent record of the proceedings shall be maintained by the Secretary.
3.2.3. At least two weeks’ notice for all general body meetings and two weeks’ notice for all Council meetings shall be given to all the Members or members of the Council as the case may be. The notice shall specify the date, time, place and business to be transacted in the meeting.
3.2.4. Thirty members shall constitute a quorum.
3.2.5. Ordinary General Meetings will be held as often as the Council may consider it necessary.
3.2.6. If 25% of the members of the Association sign a requisition that a meeting of the General Body be held, the President or the Secretary shall convene such meeting within 30 days of such request. If the President or the Secretary fails to convene such meeting, those who have signed the request shall be entitled to convene such meeting by giving 15 days' clear notice to all members of the Association , No other business than the included in the notice shall be transacted at such a meeting.
3.2.7. Results of motions shall be determined by a simple majority vote, unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum and the Rules and Regulations of the Association. The President shall have casting vote, which shall be exercised in the event of a tie.
3.2.8. The ordinary General Body Meeting can be held at any place as per the decision of the Council.
3.2.9 For Chapter General meetings Fifteen members shall be the quorum.
3.2.10 Before transacting the business announced for the meeting, the Chairman will announce the names of new members enrolled, if any, since the previous meeting.
3.2.11 The Chairman shall have the power, when he considers that the meeting has been unduly prolonged, to defer any uncompleted business to stand over to the next meeting.
3.2.12. Ordinary General meetings of a chapter will be held as often as the Chapter Management Committee may consider necessary.
3.3 ​​​​​​​ Annual General Meeting
​​​​​​​3.3.1 Annual General Meeting shall ordinarily be held for which 15 days' notice shall be given along with the agenda of the meeting.
​​​​​​​3.3.2 In view of the fact that members of the Association are scattered all over India and even abroad, the quorum for the Annual General meeting shall be 50 members entitled to vote at meetings of the General Body except for meetings adjourned for want of quorum, for which no quorum is necessary. For Chapter meetings, 30% of Chapter membership with not less than ten members shall be the quorum for the Annual General Meeting.
​​​​​​​3.3.3 If a quorum be not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned until a date and time to be decided by the Chairman.
3.3.4 The business transacted at the Annual General Meeting will be:
(a) To receive and discuss the annual report of the Council, to be presented by the secretary,
(b) To hear the presidential address
(c) To elect the members of the Council for the ensuing term as may be necessary
(d) To transact other business of which notice has been given or as may be permitted by the Chairman.
3.3.5 The Annual General Body Meeting can be held at any place as per the decision of the Council. It can also be held online using modern e- meeting techniques.
4.1 The Council will meet once in 6 months, or earlier if requisitioned by more than 5 members of the Council or the President feels so.
4.2 Two weeks notice shall be given for ordinary meetings of the Council except in the case of requisitioned meetings in which case the period of notice may be reduced at the discretion of the President,
4.3 A meeting of the Council adjourned because of non-completion of agenda will be held on such day as majority of the members present on the day decides,
4.4 At meetings of the Council, 5 members will form a quorum, except that for a meeting adjourned for want of a quorum no quorum shall be necessary.
4.5 The minutes of all meetings of the Council shall be circulated to all members of the Council.
​​​​​​​5.1 The duties and powers of the President shall be as follows-
(a) To preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Council, and to regulate the Proceedings at such meetings
(b) To ensure that due effect is given to the Statutes and Regulations in force.
(c) To decide on the interpretation of any Rules, in the case of doubt as to the interpretation of any of the Rules, the President's interpretation shall hold until the next meeting of the Council, when the interpretation of the Rule should be discussed and finally determined. The matter could be referred to the General Body if the Council so feels.
5.2 In matters calling for urgent action, the President may adopt such measure as in his discretion the circumstances demand and report his action subsequently to the Council.
5.3 In the absence of the President, meetings of the Association may be presided over by a Vice-President.
5.4 In the case of a longer continued absence of the President, the Executive Council may designate one of the Vice-Presidents to perform the functions of the President.
6.1 The duties and powers of the Secretary shall be as follows:
(a) To Conduct the correspondence of the Association and of the Council, and to sign all letters and papers emanating from the Association.
(b) To attend the meetings of the Association and of the Council. To take minutes of the proceedings of such meetings during their progress; and at the commencement of every such meeting, to read aloud the minutes of the previous meeting,
(c) At the general meetings, to announce the presents made to the Association since their last meeting; to read the names of members, the original papers communicated, and the letters addressed to the Association required to be so read out.
(d) To prepare for submission to the Annual General Meeting a list of members corrected to the close of the previous year,
(e) To enter or cause to be entered, in the Minute books, all the proceedings of the Association and of the Council before the following meetings, and to see that all letters and papers and documents of every kind connected with the business of the Association are properly filed and preserved.
(f) To exercise general supervision over the employees and affairs of the Association, and to assist in carrying out the Regulations and Orders made by the Council.
(g) To incur contingent expenditure as may be necessary for carrying out the functions of the Association as defined by Council from time to time.
6.2 Duties & powers of the Joint Secretary:
(a) In the absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary will perform the duties of the Secretary with prior authorisation from the Secretary or President,
(b) He/She would assist the Secretary in discharging his/her duties and such other duties as assigned by the Secretary from time to time.
7.1 The Treasurer shall be responsible for handling the funds of the Association and also the property vested in the name of the Association.
7.2 He shall be responsible for the maintenance of accounts of the Association and shall present the audited statement of accounts for the year at the Annual General meeting.
7.3 He shall also furnish the Council, information regarding the financial position of the Association when called upon to do so by the Council.
​​​​​​​8.1 The Fellows of the Association will be elected by adopting the following procedure:
(a) The Secretary shall issue the notification for nominations for Fellowship each year as decided by Council.
(b) The Executive Council members as well as the Fellows and Honorary Fellows of the Association can nominate for the election,
(c) Minimum two nominations are required for consideration.
(d) Council will set up an advisory committee of five Fellows to screen the names out of the received nominations for election as Fellows and recommend the names of fellows to the Council.
Association may announce different awards from time to time from its own resources or the donations from sponsors. The donations for the awards may be accepted by the council after the proposal is vetted by a committee formed by it. Council will form committees for awards for recommendation. The award winning research paper and/or the bio-data of the awardee will be put on the website.
10.1 The funds of the Association shall consist of
(a) Subscriptions
(b) Donations
(c) Grants from Government or other interested parties
(d) Sale of journal and other literature published by the Association.
(e) Advertisements in the Publications of the Association.
(f) Registration fees collected from delegates of seminar organized by the Association.
(g) Proceeds from exhibits of industries/ business enterprise/ institution (Govt. and Private as well) in seminar/ symposia organized by Association chapter.
10.2 Such funds of the Association as are not invested in any manner in accordance with the decisions of the Council shall be deposited in a bank approved by the Council provided that the Council may authorize the Secretary or Treasurer or any other member of the Council to keep in hand such amount in cash, not exceeding Rs. 20,000/- at a time, as may be considered necessary for day to day expenses.
10.3 The Chapter Treasurer should deposit the funds in a bank and he/she should keep an amount in cash not exceeding Rs. 20,000/ at a time as may be considered necessary for day to day expenses.
10.4 The bank accounts shall be operated by any two of the following signatories signing Jointly: President/Chairman (in case of Chapter), Secretary and Treasurer.
​​​​​​​11.1 The accounts of the Association shall be audited at the end of each financial year by auditor or auditors appointed at the previous annual general meeting for which purpose the financial year of the Association shall be 1st April to 31st March.
11.2 Any Member of the Association with the permission of the President and by previous appointment with the Treasurer may inspect accounts of the Association. Results of such inspection shall be considered by the Council.
12.1 Executive Council will review the administrative set up of the association from time to time.
12.2 Administrative set up may aim for the efficient execution of the association activities
13.1 At all general meetings of the Association the President, a Vice-President or a Member of the Council in that order, shall preside. In the absence of all of the above, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a date to be fixed again by the Council.
13.2 All decisions taken at a General Body meeting shall be by a simple majority by a show of hand, except for the changes in Statutes.
14.1 For the amendments to the Constitution of the Association provisions of Section 12 of Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 shall be applicable.
14.2 Amendments to the Rules and Regulations may be proposed by means of resolution adopted by the Council or by means of a petition signed by at least ten percent of the members.
14.3 For amendment to the Rules and Regulations the Secretary shall send to all members, with voting rights, the proposed amendment accompanied by a e ballot paper. The amendment shall be deemed to be adopted on the basis of a simple majority of e ballots received. President would have casting vote in case of a tie. Amendment will apply to all Rules and Regulations.
14.4 The date on which an amendment shall take effect shall be decided by the Council and communicated to the members.