Association of Agrometeorologists

Variability of climatic elements at Jorhat


Major climatic elements of Jorhat, Assam for the period 1991-2000 have been compared with those of normal values. The total rainfall was lower than their normal values in all months except in February, September and October with significant decrease in the month of April. Pre-monsoon and monsoon rainfall decreased by 18.8 and 3.3 per cent, respectively. Monthly minimum temperature increased in all months with significant increase during June to September and in November. Monthly maximum temperature increased during April, July and from September to December but decreased during the remaining six months. The monthly temperature range was reduced. Seasonal minimum and seasonal average temperature also increased but seasonal maximum temperature slightly decreased except during post-monsoon season. Morning vapour pressure increased from May to September and decreased during the other months. Evening vapour pressure increased throughout the year. The increase in vapour content indicates intensification of Green House effect. Monthly evaporation also decreased significantly throughout the year. Decrease in bright sunshine hours was observed during January to June and August to October.

Variability, climatic elements, Jorhat