Association of Agrometeorologists

Crop water budgeting for rainfed cotton for crop planning and management in Coimbatore


Analysis of water balance components was carried out for cotton crop in Annur block of Coimbatore district (11o 14´ to 11o 23´ N latitude and 77o 08´ to 77o 13´E longitude)based on the soil information (1:50, 000scale) and thirty years (1975-2005) climatic data.Soil moisture availability index showed that 37th standard week was found to be highly suitable for taking up cotton sowing due to assured rainfall. The water requirement satisfaction index indicated that about 87 per cent of the crop water requirement is satisfied by the soil moisture in the control section irrespective of soil type. The crop will facemoisture deficit from 4th to 8th standard weeks which coincide with harvesting stage.

Crop water balance,soil moisture availability index,water budget,crop water requirement index