Association of Agrometeorologists

Assessment of agroclimatic suitability of apple orchards in Himachal Pradesh under changing climate


Apple crop require adequate chilling for breaking its winter dormancy for a usual spring growth. In this study, suitability of apple production was assessed by using GIS based UTAH chill unit model for tactical and strategic adaptation options under changed climatic scenarios. This analysis consists of spatial chilling zonation from year 1978-2013,delineation of suitability classes for apple production based on effective chill units(ECU), and shift in apple belt in Himachal Pradesh under changing climate. The result showed spatial extent of chilling zone having ECU>1500 has declined. The traditional apple crop areas are shifting upward in Himachal Pradesh as a result less suitable areas transforming in unsuitable and severely cold areas which were earlier not suitable are becoming suitable for apple cultivation.

Agroclimatic suitability, apple productivity, chilling requirement, GIS, ECU, chilling zonation