Association of Agrometeorologists

Effect of temperature and rainfall on wheat yield in south western region of Punjab


A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of temperature and rainfall on historical wheat yields in south western region of Punjab. The technology trend at Bathinda indicated that over the past 25 years wheat yields have increased at the rate of 82.1 kg ha-1 year-1. Maximum, minimum temperature and rainfall from December to March for each pentad years 1977-81 to 1997-2001 were analyzed. Temperatures during February and March revealed significant effects on wheat yield. The maximum temperature of 25.6 OC and minimum temperature of 10.8 OC during grain filling period resulted in highest yield of wheat. Compared to first pentad, the percent increase in average yield during second, third, fourth and fifth pentad was 9.7, 20.3, 49.4 and 60.3 percent, respectively. The grain yield revealed positive correlation with minimum temperature but no trends were observed for other parameters. The regression models are in good agreement between the observed and predicted values of wheat yield.

Temperature, rainfall, wheat yield, technology trend, Punjab, regression model